Source code for enspara.exception

"""Custom enspara-only exceptions.

[docs]class ImproperlyConfigured(Exception): '''The given configuration is incomplete or otherwise not usable.''' pass
[docs]class DataInvalid(Exception): ''' The data looks structurally invalid (mismatched array lengths, negative numbers were natural numbers are expected, etc). ''' pass
[docs]class InsufficientResourceError(Exception): """The data is structurally valid, but insufficient computational resources were availiable to complete the operation or request. """ pass
[docs]class SuspiciousDataWarning(UserWarning): """The data is usable, but is has a structure or type that is suspicious, and may cause bad behavior down the road. """ pass
[docs]class PerformanceWarning(UserWarning): """Something has happened that may have substantial performance implications and may be easy to avoid. """ pass
[docs]class ConvergenceWarning(UserWarning): """An iterative procedure has failed to converge after the maximum allowed number of iterations.""" pass