Clustering Trajectories

The first step to analyzing MD data is usually clustering. For simple to moderately-complex clustering tasks, we make this pretty straightforward in enspara.

With the Clustering CLI, you can cluster the data like so:

enspara cluster \
  --trajectories trajectory-*.xtc \
  --topology fs-peptide.pdb \
  --algorithm khybrid \
  --cluster-number 20 \
  --subsample 10 \
  --atoms '(name N or name C or name CA)' \
  --distances ./fs-khybrid-clusters0020-distances.h5 \
  --center-features ./fs-khybrid-clusters0020-centers.pickle \
  --assignments ./fs-khybrid-clusters0020-assignments.h5

This will cluster all the trajectories into 20 clusters using the k-hybrid algorithm based on backbone (atoms named N, CA or C, per the MDTraj DSL) and output the results (distance, center structures, and assignments) to files named as specified on the command line (fs-khybrid-clusters0020*).

Clustering Outputs

Clustering this way will output four files,

  1. fs-khybrid-clusters0020-centers.pickle is a pickle of a python list containing the frames that were at the center of each cluster center. They are given in the order they were discovered by k-centers clustering, with 0 being the first frame in the dataset.
  2. fs-khybrid-clusters0020-assignments.h5 is an h5 file containing the assignment of each frame of all trajectories to a cluster center. The value at t, i gives which cluster center frame i in trajectory t was assigned to. The i values match the centers file.
  3. The distances file fs-khybrid-clusters0020-distances.h5 is an array (numpy in this case) where the value at t, i gives the distance between frame i in trajectory t (matching the order of the trajectories given by the --trajectories flag) and the closest cluster center.

Because these are usually much smaller than your inputs, you can usually drop into a ipython shell (or even better, jupyter notebook) to inspect your values:

$ ipython
Python 3.6.0 \|Continuum Analytics, Inc.\| (default, Dec 23 2016, 12:22:00)
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IPython 6.2.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]:

Then you can load up these files,

import pickle

import mdtraj as md
from enspara import ra

assigs = ra.load('fs-khybrid-clusters0020-assignments.h5')
dists = ra.load('fs-khybrid-clusters0020-distances.h5')

This uses enspara’s RaggedArray submodule to load the assignments and distances files. In this case, all your trajectories are uniform length, so you will actually get back a numpy ndarray, but in a more realistic situation when trajectories have different lengths, this would be a ragged array.

We can then ask how many frames got assigned to each cluster and make a plot:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np, 20), height=np.bincount(assigs.flatten()))
plt.xlim(-1, assigs.max()+1)
plt.ylabel('Number of Frames Assigned')
plt.xlabel('Cluster Index')
The number of frames assigned to each cluster as a histogram.

And also ask what the distribution of frames per cluster looks like,

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

plt.ylabel('Number of Clusters')
plt.xlabel('Frames Assigned')
The distribution of frames per cluster across all clusters.

And, using the distances file, we can compute the distribution of distances to the nearest cluster center,

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.hist(dists.flatten(), bins=100)
plt.ylabel('Number of Frames')
plt.xlabel('Distance to Cluster Center')
The distribution of distances to the nearest cluster center.

Next, rather than counting raw frames, we can build a Markov State Model, which does a more rigorous statistical analysis on these data.